Monday, January 5, 2015


In spite of what some people think or say, Malaysia is the top retirement country in Asia. It earned high scores for ease of fitting in, entertainment and amenities, as well as low cost of living.  
The Index was compiled by International Living magazine which has been scouring the globe for the best retirement destinations around the globe for over 30 years.
Said Jennifer Stevens, executive editor of International "The world's top retirement havens for 2015 may dot the landscape from Asia to Latin America to Europe, but they share certain assets." 
"They're safe, offer good value and are places you can settle with relative ease," she added in the statement announcing the results.
A meal with a bottle of wine can cost as little as $5 and a visit to the doctor just $15.
Its full report on Malaysia said, inter alia:  Influences from across Asia and beyond have melded together here to create an extraordinary cross-cultural melting pot of customs, dress, architecture, and cuisine.
The country diverse ethnic mix makes being a stranger here easy. Whether you live in bohemian Penang or Kuala Lumpur, the country hip capital, you'll meet friendly locals who are happy to stop and chat and welcome you into their home.
Malaysia has both public and private health care with medical expertise on a par with western countries.
Most hospitals and health care facilities are staffed by English speaking professionals with international qualifications. Internet coverage here is on a par with services in France and Italy.
And with some of the worlds most stunning white-sand beaches, there's a lot of like about Malaysia.

Source: Bernama

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