Friday, January 16, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Counseling and advice are the best options for the teenage girls in the K-pop fiasco as what had happened on stage was spontaneous, says Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek(photo). 
He said incidents involving concert audiences often were not planned and punitive measures were not necessary for every unfavorable situation.
"Sometimes, things that we dislike will happen but they should be dealt with by giving advice, not only to the performer but also to those in attendance," he told reporters after launching a new corporate identity for Pos Malaysia yesterday. 
"That is the best option. I believe, in Islam, being a preacher is better than being a qadi (a judge) or a punisher." On Jan 10, several tudung-clad girls were hugged by members of the popular South Korean band B1A4 during a performance here. 
A video clip showing the male performers hugging and kissing the girls on stage went viral. Ahmad Shabery said the issue was not about K-pop music. 

Source: Agency

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