Saturday, December 20, 2014


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A protest demanding the government reduce the price of fuel will be held at 9 pm on Dec 31 at Dataran Merdeka. 
Jointly organised by various NGOs, the aim is to have the people stand together and send a firm message to the government: reduce the price of fuel. 
Despite the greatly-reduced international price of oil, the Malaysian government has only reduced the domestic price of RON95 petrol by a niggardly 4 sen.
Meanwhile, the price of diesel has increased by 3 sen.
Many people feel that this speaks volumes about the state of our national coffers.
The general feeling is that the situation is a reflection of the administration's competence, or lack of it thereof, in handling finances.
Additionally, Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli(photo) has said that the inflated oil price has enabled the government to collect RM274 million in ‘hidden taxes’ straight from the pockets of the rakyat.
The demand to be made at the protest is for the price of RON95 to be lowered to RM1.90 per litre, which, in addition to helping the rakyat, would also match current market prices.

Source: rakyattimes

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