Saturday, November 15, 2014


Malay and Iban Bibles seized by the Selangor Islamic Department (Jais) from The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) in January were today returned to Christians in Sarawak through the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) in a formal ceremony at the Selangor palace.
They were handed to Sarawak Christians and not to the Peninsular-based BSM as part of the condition that such material was not to be distributed in Selangor, especially among Muslims, a statement from the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) later said.
Earlier, Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali(photo) had tweeted: "An amicable resolution to the issue of the seizure of the Malay language Bibles containing the word Allah."
Along with his tweet, he included a photograph of himself and the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, watching a handover ceremony of a copy of a Bible to ACS chairman, Rev Archbishop Datuk Bolly Lapok.
In a statement issued after the 10am ceremony, Mais said that the Selangor Sultan had commanded that the Bibles be returned to the ACS, after the public prosecutor decided not to prosecute any party over the matter.
Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa(photo) said Jais had referred the case to the Attorney-General on June 19, in accordance with the sultan's decree.
"The public prosecutor has ordered that the disposal of the Bibles containing the word 'Allah' ‎be made in accordance with the law," said Adzib in the statement.
"Thus taking into account the order and the matter has been conveyed to His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor to discuss the issue, and after consulting the Council of the Royal Court, Mais was commanded by His Royal Highness to dispose of these Bibles containing the word 'Allah' by returning‎ them 
to the ACS."

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