Saturday, September 6, 2014


According to The Times Of India, the sex-fatigued husband granted a divorce by a Mumbai family court because he could no longer deal with his wife’s “excessive and insatiable desire for sex.”
He first approached the court in January, claiming that his wife was “aggressive, stubborn and autocratic” and that she’d be harassing him for sex since they married in April 2012.
The man told the court his wife forced medication on him to boast his sexual stamina and threatened to hook up with other men if she remained unfulfilled. 
Things got so bad, the husband had to be hospitalized for an uneasy stomach at one point.
The man also claimed he worked three jobs and was tired at the end of the day, but his wife would not leave him alone.
She threatened to have sex with other men if he did not satisfy her, he said.
In the end, the wife failed to appear before the court, so the divorce was granted. (Meanwhile, we couldn’t be happier for the poor, put-upon husband. May he go on to have as little — or as much — non-chore-like, consensual sex as he’d like.

Source: The Times Of India, Agencies

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