Thursday, September 4, 2014


Canadian PM, Stephen Harper pledged further action Wednesday to combat the rising threat of Islamic extremism in the Middle East, but said he would do so on a frugal budget. 
Speaking to a business audience in London, the prime minister joined other world leaders in reacting with horror to the execution of a second U.S. freelance journalist, Steven Sotloff, at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, commonly known as ISIL or ISIS. 
Despite the prominence of the killings — both were documented in videos posted online — there have been many other faceless victims of the group's brutal rampage across a vast swath of northern Iraq and Syria, Harper noted. 
"The fact is, this is the tip of an iceberg of literally tens of thousands of people who are being treated in this way," Harper said, referring to the assault on Christians, Yazidis, Shiite Muslims and others who do not subscribe to ISIS's brand of ultraconservative Sunni Islam. 
He once again equated the threat posed by the militants with the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan more than 20 years ago.

Source: CBC

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