Friday, September 19, 2014


SYDNEY, Australia - Police have carried out anti-terror raids in Sydney sparked by intelligence reports that Islamic extremists were planning random killings in Australia.
PM Tony Abbott said a senior Australian Islamic State militant had called for "demonstration killings", reportedly including a public beheading.
The raids, with at least 800 heavily-armed officers, led to 15 arrests.
One man has been charged with planning an attack. Prosecutors said he planned to "gruesomely" execute someone.
Australian media reports said a plot involved beheading a random member of the public after draping them in an Islamic State flag.
Asked about the reports in a press conference, Mr Abbott said: "That's the intelligence we received.''
  • "Direct exhortations were coming from an Australian who is apparently quite senior in ISIL (Islamic State) to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country."

Source: BBC...More...

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