Thursday, August 7, 2014


A group of fishermen have been criticized after they forced a fish to smoke a cigarette before posting a video of the cruel joke online.
The group of men can be heard laughing as they film the fish on their phone with a lit cigarette stuck into its mouth.
The video has now been criticized after it was posted online, with viewers calling the group ‘disrespectful’ and accusing them of ‘animal cruelty.’
One viewer commented on LiveLeak, where the video was uploaded to: ‘I am a fisherman myself but the disrespect here towards mother nature is just sad.’
Another, agreeing with a previous call for such videos not to be featured on the site, wrote: ‘Yeah, there is really no reason to feature it.. it serves no purpose. Okay if it was something unlikely or newsworthy-sh, but this is just documentation of animal cruelty.’ 
A number of other posters commenting on the video however have criticized those complaining about the video and posted puns. 
 It is not clear where or when the video was filmed, although it appears to have been posted to LiveLeak Tuesday.
The cruel clip sees two men, believed to be French, in boxer shorts and straw hats on the canyon, one appearing to be laying out treats for a squirrel running around his feet.
The man lays out a trail towards the canyon, goes to put on his shoe, and as the fluffy rodent gets close to the edge to get its paws on the treats, he kicks it off the cliff.
The 15-second video was uploaded to YouTube by a user claiming he was just a witness and had no part in the evil joke.
‘I did not realize what was happening until it was too late,’ Jonthan Hildebrand wrote in his defense. ‘I do not know who they are. All I know is that they were French. 

Source: Daily Mail.

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