Thursday, June 26, 2014


KUALA LUMPUR - A chilling video of a Malaysian riding in a truck with a group of militants fighting in the Syrian jihadist movement has surfaced on the Internet. He is one of the 20 Malaysians confirmed by Bukit Aman to have taken part in the uprising in Syria. 
The one-and-a-half minute video, which appeared to have been shot by the man who spoke mostly in Bahasa Malaysia with a northern accent, described his joy as they drove off "to the battlefield". 
The authenticity of the video, which had been viewed more than 5,000 times since it was uploaded to on June 7, was verified by Bukit Aman. 
"Yes, they are among 20 Malaysi­ans who are identified as having joined the uprising in Syria. We will announce the names of all the Malaysians involved soon," said spokesman ACP Datin Asmawati Ahmad. founder Maher Ra claimed that the video was shot in Allepo, Syria, by a Mohd Lotfi Ariffin from Kuala Ketil, Kedah. 
Syriantube has been showing video footage depicting the behind the scene shots of terrorists activities and atrocities commited by militants in Syria. 
Checks on Mohd Lotfi's Facebook showed that the video did originate from his page on June 3, which had been liked and shared by many Malaysians, some of whom offered words of encouragement. 
In a story first broken by Mstar Online and Star Online, the video opened with a shot of a tank from inside a truck. 
The tank then rolled away in a bushland with several Middle Eastern looking men, dressed in army fatigue sitting on it. The men were also heavily armed. 
  • "Yes, the tank is moving, making its way to its destination - the battlefield. Allahu Akbar (God is great)! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" said the cameraman in Bahasa Malaysia. 
  • "These are our friends," he continued, panning over to show several men - all dressed in combat gear, bulletproof vests, helmets and black bandanas, and with riffles slung around their necks. 
  • Some of the men even smiled and showed the "V" victory sign with their fingers as the camera closed up on them. 
  • Without the weapons and war gear, they would have appeared like a group of friends, taking pictures with their smartphones, seemingly happy about going on a drive. 
  • The camera then rested on a bearded Middle Eastern-looking man wearing combat uniform and a blue ski cap, who shouted Allahu Akbar! as the group of about 20 men in the truck chanted along. 
  • "Our friends, working happily!" said the cameraman in Bahasa Malaysia, who then focused his shot on a bespectacled young man wearing a black headband and holding a smartphone, who, ironically, made a peace sign. 
  • "Yes, our friends, we are all ready to go to the fight at the battlefield. We don't feel scared. We don't feel nervous!" The voice was heard saying, the camera shaking as the truck engine revved up. 
  • "We are moving! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar," the group chanted. 
  • Maher claimed that the Malaysians had been in Syria for over a year. 
  • "There aren't 15. There are over 200 of them. Some, even as old as 60. They came with their wives and children. They stay in Aleppo and Ar-Raqqah. 
They have killed people. They have beheaded innocent civilians, he claimed, describing himself as a pro-government Syrian who started to expose the atrocities committed by militant groups in the conflict-ridden country. 
The Syrian government recently claimed that 15 Malaysians, purportedly involved in terrorism and jihadist activities with the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (Isil) network, had been killed.

Source: Agencies,

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