Monday, June 2, 2014


According to new research published by the Cato Institute, Venezuela is the most miserable country in the world. 
The study measured misery by examining various economic factors of each country and then ranking them.
The Cato Institute has determined the 90 most miserable countries in the world.
To tourists, they may be some of the most beautiful and fascinating places in the world, but for those who live there, life is pretty depressing. 
According to the list, Venezuela is the most depressing country in the world, receiving a score of 79.4.
The high rating is mostly due to the high rate of inflation. The second most miserable country is Iran with a score of 61.6, followed by Serbia (44.8) Argentina (43.1) and Jamaica (42.3).
The index was determined by adding the unemployment to the lending and inflation rates for each county and subtracting the percentage change in Gross Domestic Product per capita. 
The data was also based on information from the Economist Intelligence Unit and other experts.

Source: Al Jazeera, Agencies

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