Friday, March 14, 2014


The hunt for a missing Boeing 777 that disappeared last Saturday with 239 people onboard could take weeks or even months, a senior Malaysian minister admitted. 
“We are looking at the long haul,” Hishammuddin Hussein, the Malaysian Defence and Transport minister, told The Telegraph. 
“I think in all cases of this nature eventually it will be found. If you look at Air France it took weeks to find the location,” added Mr Hussein, who is also cousin of prime minister Najib Razak.
However, asked if he expected the search to take weeks or even months, Mr Hussein nodded and said: “Yes, yes.” 
The minister was speaking after a highly charged press conference at which senior civilian and military officials conceded they still had no idea about what had happened to the Malaysia Airlines flight to Beijing or why.
After five days of investigation and so-far fruitless search operations, officials said they had found no physical trace of the plane and had yet to understand in which direction it might have flown after losing contact with air traffic control in the early hours of Saturday. 

Source: The Telegraph...More...

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