Wednesday, October 30, 2013


A 13-year-old Pakistani girl was forced to dig herself out of her own grave after she was buried alive by her rapists.
The girl’s father, Siddique Mughal, said his child was abducted by two men while walking to Koran lessons in Punjab’s Toba Tek Singh district.
The attackers took the victim to an isolated area and raped her until she was limp and unable to move. Thinking they had killed her, the two men dropped her body into a shallow roadside grave and covered it up with dirt.
She was taken to a medical centre and survived her horrific ordeal.
  • According to the New York Post, her father Siddique Mughal told local police that his daughter had been taken. But they initially refused to investigate the incident.
  • Child rape is becoming increasingly problematic in Pakistan.
  • According to Pakistani children's charity Sahil, the number of children raped between 2002 and 2012 increased from 668 to 2,788.
One of the most notable cases was that of Kainat Soomro (photo) who was attacked by four men when she was aged just 13 in 2007.
She was shunned by her village after speaking out against her attackers and was labelled a 'kari' or 'black virgin'.
Despite her own family being ordered to kill her to rid themselves of shame, they stood by her despite threats of violence against them.

  • Her father and one of her brothers were beaten, and another older brother went missing and was later found murdered.
  • Despite her quest for justice, her alleged attackers were eventually acquitted.
  • She told the Press earlier this year that her family have 'lost everything.
Source: Daily News

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