Friday, July 19, 2013


MANILA, Philippines - Philippines Government and MILF negotiating panels scored a breakthrough in the negotiations last week with the signing of the wealth-sharing annex on the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB).
Coronel-Ferrer said the wealth sharing arrangement will realize meaningful autonomy for the Bangsamoro in the future.
“Behind the haggling for more shares is the intent (for the Bangsamoro) to be less and less dependent on the national government,”
“It indicated that the intention is not to get the ‘lion’s share’ for its own sake but to be able to stand tall as a progressive and peaceful region, an equal partner of the Central government in an equally peaceful and progressive country,” she said
The agreement on wealth sharing was arrived at following a rigorous six-day formal exploratory talks with the MILF in Kuala Lumpur where they succeeded in completing the Annex on Revenue Generation and Wealth Sharing.
The government chief peace negotiator with Moro rebels said the recent signing of the provision on wealth sharing was not aimed at window dressing President Benigno Aquino III upcoming annual presidential address to Filipinos.
“There’s no short term interest that had to be satisfied by this (wealth sharing) except for the desire that the peace will be kept especially on the ground,” government chief negotiator with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Miriam Coronel-Ferrer explained.
  • She also said that the government negotiating panel had signed the Wealth Sharing Annex in the proposed Bangsamoro deal with the consent of the President.
  • Aquino is slated to deliver his annual presidential address on Monday. 
  • The speech, which outlines the gains of the present administration with regards to its goals and targets for the year, had been largely viewed by the president’s critics an opportunity by the leader to ballyhoo supposed gains by his administration.

Source: Agency

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