Thursday, June 13, 2013


LONDON, United Kingdom – Geneva has knocked Paris out of the top spot this year as the most expensive city in which to order a club sandwich, to make it the priciest travel destination in the world.
That’s according to, which released its second annual Club Sandwich Index (CSI), a barometer that ranks the most expensive cities around the globe based on the price of a room-service club sandwich – the most common hotel menu staple around the world.
  • According to their number crunching, the average club – a double-decker of bacon, chicken, lettuce, tomato and mayo – from a three to five-star hotel in Geneva clocks in at about US$30.45 (RM95.70).
  • The index averages the price of a sandwich across 30 hotels in each city. Overall, 840 hotel menus across the globe were canvassed.
  • Results of this second annual survey also reveal that on the whole, prices seem to be falling. While the most expensive sandwiches hail from Geneva at US$30.45 this year, that price tag is lower than last year’s Paris average of US$33.10, deemed the most expensive for 2012.
  • This year, the average double-decker at a Paris hotel clocked in at US$27.45.
  • According to the sandwich index, if you’re looking for a more affordable vacation, however, consider New Delhi, where the same sandwich at a starred hotel will cost US$9.11.
  • The CSI comes the same week as a TripAdvisor index, which named Oslo in Norway the most expensive travel destination in the world based on the cost of a one-night hotel stay, cocktails, dinner and taxi rides for two people. 
  • Oslo clocked in at No. 3 on the club sandwich index.
  • Here are the results of the 2013 Club Sandwich Index:
  • 1. Geneva US$30.45; 2. Paris US$27.45; 3. Oslo US$26.72; 4. Stockholm US$23.12; 5. Copenhagen US$22.33; 6. Rome US$22.26; 7. Tokyo US$20.70; 8. London US$20.65; 9. Sydney US$20.53; 10. Hong Kong US$19.80.

Source: AFP

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