Thursday, March 14, 2013


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Nuns smile and cheer when they see white smoke billow from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. Dozens of red-clad cardinals crowd onto a balcony to watch as Pope Francis speaks. 
The newly elected pope gives a stunned smile as he appears before a hundred-thousand devotees waiting for him in St. Peter's Square.
The new pontiff, who will take over from retired Benedict XVI, is likely to be presented within an hour on a balcony over the main doors of St. Peter’s. “Habemus Papam,” Latin for “we have a pope,” will be announced before faithful gathered in the square below.
The new pope was elected after five ballots over two days by the 115 voting cardinals under the age of 80. Benedict was chosen in four votes over two days in 2005. The quickest modern- era conclave came in 1939, according to Vatican Today website, when Pope Pius XII won in three ballots over two days.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio becomes Pope Francis I: White smoke from Sistine Chapel heralds shock decision to elect first Latin American, first Jesuit and first Francis to lead world's Catholics.

Source: The Independent...More...

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