Sunday, February 24, 2013


Three priests and one former cleric have accused Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the senior leader of the Catholic church in Britain, of committing inappropriate behaviour against them. 
The UK's Observer newspaper reported on Sunday that the cardinal, the head of the Scottish Catholic church, made the physical advances as far back as three decades ago. 
The allegations against O'Brien come at a time when Roger Mahony, another cardinal, is being accused of covering up sex abuses by priests in the US, further clouding the remaining days of Benedict XVI as pope.
O'Brien and Mahony are among the 116 cardinals eligible to vote for the next leader of the 1.1 billion Catholics around the world, once Benedict resigns on February 28. 
Over the last few days, the Vatican has been busy fending off a torrent of negative reports, even as it prepares for Benedict's last Sunday service, which is expected to attract as many as 100,000 people to St Peter Square in Rome.

Source:  Al Jazeera...More...

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