Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Thousands of devotees today took holy dip at Triumakudali Narasipura about 35 km from here, where Cauvery and Kabini and mythical Spatika sarovar meet, as part of the ninth Kumbh Mela.
The event is dubbed as the Kumbh Mela of the south as large number of devotees perform rituals were held at Triveni Sangam. Spatika, a rivulet also known as Gutapa Gamini.
The south kumbha mela, meant to provide an opportunity to the devoute who may not be able to have a holy dip at Allahabad where Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati meet is held every year.
The event this year was held in the presence of Suttur math seer Sri Shivarathi Deshikendra swamy, newly nominated seer of Adichunchanagiri math Sri Nirmalanandanath swami and Sri Shivanandapuri swamy of Kaginele Kanakaguru Peeta.
The venue of the special event was an island to which a walkway of sand bas has been created. Others take the coracles.
Barricades have been erected around the deeper areas of the river, a result of excessive sand mining.
The district administration has also deputed locally selected expert swimmers as life guards, who stood guard on the banks to tackle any untoward incidents.
Devotees took a holy dip in the 'sangama', offering prayers at the Agasthyeswara, Bhiksheswara and Sri Gunja Nanrasima Swamy temples around the places.

Source: Agency

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