Tuesday, October 2, 2012


PESHAWAR, Pakistan -  A former Pakistani legislator has offered a $200,000 bounty for anyone who kills the maker of an anti-Islam film that has angered Muslims around the world.
Ikramullah Shahid made the offer at a rally on Monday in the northwestern city of Peshawar, before a crowd of about 15,000 people.


The rally was led by the Difa-e-Pakistan (Defence of Pakistan) Council, an umbrella group of radical Islamic and militant groups. Shahid is a member of the group.

This is the second such offer made by someone in Pakistan. A federal cabinet minister earlier offered $100,000 for the man behind the US-made film that portrays Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)in bad light. Outraged Muslims have rallied against the film. At least 23 people have died in protests in Pakistan against the film.

Source: Agency

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