Saturday, September 8, 2012


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Gan Ping Sieu will write to inspector-general of police Ismail Omar to object against police's action of handcuffing 19-year-old Ong Sing Yee, who allegedly stepped on a photograph of the prime minister.
The senator wanted the police to review its standard operating procedures (SOP) of making arrests, especially against women, teenagers, elders, non-violent suspects and those who surrender themselves to the police.
  • Gan was responding to the handcuffing of Ong by police when she turned herself in at the Johor Bahru Central police station on Wednesday.
  • In a statement issued last night, he said it was not necessary for the police to handcuff the part-time model, which could cause lifelong trauma to the teenager.
  • “Instead the police should adopt a more humane way when dealing with such cases".
Gan, who is also MCA vice-president, commented that the people-friendly policing practised by the police, as well as their collaboration with local organisations and public in fighting crimes, have received positive feedback from the people.
“Now is the time for the police to make appropriate adjustment to the arrest procedures to meet the demands of the public in the new era,” he said.
Gan also advised youths to avoid taking uncouth, irrational or insulting actions when expressing their views or dissatisfactions.
Source: Yahoo..Read More..

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