Saturday, August 18, 2012


LONDON, U.K - Dozens of people wearing balaclavas rallied outside the Russian embassy in London on Friday in support of the Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot, just a day after activists hurled rocks at the building protesting Moscow's position on Syria.
Russia's embassy in London accused British police on Friday of taking no action to prevent an attack on its building by a group of activists protesting Moscow's support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It made the accusation as about 40 protesters clad in balaclavas demonstrated outside the embassy, located in an upscale part of London, against the verdict in a trial of the Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot in Moscow.
  • An embassy spokesman said a group of protesters chanting anti-Assad slogans attacked the building overnight, throwing stones and smashing windows. "The police who arrived at the scene regretfully did not take any measures to stop the unsanctioned protest and detain the attackers," said the spokesman. No one was hurt.
  • "We view the incident as a new case of violation of the principle of inviolability of diplomatic missions in London." It said the attack caused significant damage to the building and posted a picture of broken windows and large rocks scattered on the floor on its Facebook social media page. British police had no immediate comment on the attack.
Russia's support for Syria's government has drawn widespread criticism from various protest groups since the uprising began in March 2011. Russia and China have vetoed three Western-backed resolutions criticising Damascus and threatening sanctions. backed resolutions criticising Damascus and threatening sanctions.
Source: Agency

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