Thursday, August 9, 2012


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Workers from city hospitals announced that from today they are to go on a 24-hour strike, in support of the demands for better safety, put forward first by the staff of public hospital Santojanni in Liniers yesterday.
Santojanni Hospital medical staff goes on strike for 24 hours after a serious incident that happened yesterday when at least 60 people entered to the health center causing havoc and attacking doctors, nurses and administrators.
The protesters demanded justice for the death of Jennifer Farias(right photo), 19, who died after giving birth in the hospital on July18, and according to reports from these people, this is a case of malpractice.
  • “An organized group of people entered to hospital with bells to make outrages, painted the hospital, and attacked everybody who crossed them” on the road, Marcelo Struminger, president of the Association of Municipal doctors, said on the radio.
  • “They were chasing people down the aisles. An administrative boy was beaten and they fractured a rib and a medical student was also attacked before private security. The girl asked for help and (the guards) did nothing,” Struminger added.
Source: BAH

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