Wednesday, July 25, 2012


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - To calm the public outcry over the Bersih 3.0 nastiness, which caused his popularity rating to drop 4 percentage points to 65%, Prime Minister Najib Razak has done little. He still insists Bersih 3.0 was immoral, un-Islamic and an Opposition plot to topple his government.
Hundreds of “unlawful arrests” were made in a bid to quell the spontaneous show of people power, resulting in Malaysia’s image being tarnished as an intolerant and banana-republic-type of dictatorship as the cousins’ shocking and ruthless crackdown made headlines around the world.
  • A special police panel set up to look into the beatings led by former police chief Hanif Omar blamed the police brutality on low-ranking cops, completely omitting and sparing the senior officers from any blame.
  • “Until and unless Prime Minister and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein apologize publicly, they won’t be forgiven by the Malaysian public so easily. It is a hole they have dug for themselves. If they want to save their personal legacy and reputations, what they should do is to ask for public forgiveness, clean up the electoral process and promise a smooth and peaceful transition of power should they people decide against the BN in GE-13,” PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng told Malaysia Chronicle.
On Tuesday, High Court Judge Rohana Yusuf ruled that the Bersih 2.0 coalition of civil societies, although not officially registered, was a legal society under the Societies Act.
According to hornbillunleashed, the minister’s order is quashed because Bersih is a lawful society,” said Rohana, calling Hishammuddin ’s decision a “tainted” one.
Source: The Kuala Lumpur Post more..

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