Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Chinese workers are among the least likely in Asia to say their jobs are ideal, despite China having one of the region's lowest unemployment rates, a report by an international research company has found.
A survey conducted by management consultancy Gallup Inc in 2011, the results of which were released last week, has found only 49 per cent of Chinese workers think their job is the "ideal" one for them.
Compared with Chinese workers, only Vietnamese workers are less satisfied with their work, with a mere 48 per cent saying they have the ideal job, putting them in last place for job satisfaction on a list of 22 Asian economies.
  • The survey found job expectation in China remains high, despite figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showing the unemployment rate in China's urban areas in 2011 was 4.1 per cent.
  • According to report, these findings suggest that providing an adequate number of jobs in China alone is not enough to fulfill the career expectations of its workforce, or to sustain and grow a productive labor pool.
  • "This likely means that many Chinese workers will not be looking for just any job, but for a great job - one that offers a good workplace where they can use their unique talents," it said.
  • Concerns have been raised about the high expectations of Chinese job seekers, with several recent incidents highlighting the extreme pressures placed on well-educated students with master's degrees or doctorates unable to find work.
Source: AsiaOne

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