Friday, May 18, 2012


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - The decision to abolish the 40% quota for locals to enrol in international schools will not affect national and national-type school enrolment, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin(right photo).
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said this was because the enrolment capacity of the international schools was small compared to mainstream schools.
  • "The government has studied the matter in detail and found that abolishing the quota will not pose a problem to national schools because of their limited enrolment capacity," he told a press conference here.
  • Further allaying fears that the move would impact national schools, Muhyiddin said the move actually had more plus points for the country, especially in restricting outflow of funds as more parents would opt to send their children to international schools rather than to Singapore or other countries.
Muhyiddin also said the steep fees imposed by international schools would also make it difficult for many parents to enrol their children at them.
Abolishing the quota was among the steps taken to liberalise the country's eduction sector in line with the Economic Transformation Programme to make a Malaysia a major education hub in the region.
Source: Bernama.

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