Sunday, May 13, 2012


MELBOURNE Australia -A man declared dead by Australian paramedics following a car crash was found to be alive around an hour later, sparking an investigation into the blunder.
Daniel Huf (right photo), 30, was trapped upside down in the wreckage of a Porsche in a Melbourne suburb and was declared dead after being treated at the scene on April 1.
He was reportedly left in the car for up to an hour as police began their investigations until emergency services officials began removing what they thought was a corpse and discovered a feeble pulse.
  • The Age newspaper said Huf left hospital on Thursday.
  • "We know that it is a miracle that Daniel can walk, read, speak some recognisable words, write logical messages and recognise his visitors," his father said.
  • "He is able to perform some basic life skills of helping to shower and dress himself."
  • Ambulance Victoria has said it was investigating the bungle with the two paramedics involved traumatised by their mistake.
Source: AFP

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