Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The tropical rainforests of Borneo are one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth.
By creating a network of protected areas and leveraging the support of businesses, WWF's aim is that the island’s natural treasures are sustainably used, well into the future.
There is only one place remaining in Southeast Asia where tropical rainforests can still be conserved on a grand scale.
This is the dense forest that stradddles the borders of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia on the island of Borneo.

Here one finds such endangered species as the:
  1. orang-utan
  2. pygmy elephant
  3. clouded leopard
  4. Sumatran rhino
As well as thousands of other animal and plant species, there are also many species yet to be discovered.

The Heart of Borneo under siege

This natural treasure trove, however, is threatened by a number of threats: logging, plantation agriculture, mining and hunting.
The forests and its biodiversity are at risk of disappearing if it doesn't get the protection it deserves.
Like many tropical areas around the world, the Borneo forests are being cleared rapidly for commercial uses, including rubber, palm oil and wood production. The threats posed by logging and land clearing for agriculture are worsened by a growing illegal wildlife trade.

Source: WWF file

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