Saturday, April 7, 2012


ANNAPOLIS, MD, U.S.A. - The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Inland Fisheries (DNR) is offering $200 gift cards through Bass Pro Shops to residents who capture and kill a snake-head or known as 'fish from hell', an invasive species from Africa that is upsetting the natural order of the local ecosystem.
"We do not want snakeheads in our waters," DNR Director Don Cosden tells "This initiative is a way to remind anglers that it is important to catch and remove this invasive species of fish."
The snakehead was first seen in Maryland back in 2002, after an 18-inch adult was caught in a local pond. But the powerful fish, which has no natural predators in the region, is also a determined survivalist (they can survive for up to four days on land) and has since migrated to the nearby Potomac River and its tributaries.
  • It's illegal to sell snakeheads in most U.S. states. But as reported several years ago, federal agents have uncovered illegal snakehead selling operations in several states, including New York, Texas, Florida and Missouri.
To qualify for one of the $200 gift cards and an assortment of other prizes, all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself with a dead snakehead to the DNR's Angler's Log site. The only complicated part is actually capturing and killing one of the "fish from hell."
One photo uploaded on Thursday by recreational angler Berry shows him with seven dead snakehead. He says he had to shoot them with a gun.
Berry wrote that the snakehead have been noticeably devastating the local bass population. "The snakehead are simply taking over the spawning grounds," he wrote.
Source: Agency

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