Thursday, March 1, 2012


VANCOUVER, CANADA - The majority of teachers across British Columbia are in favour of strike action.The Vancouver School Board had been warning parents to be prepared for a strike.
Results released late Wednesday showed that of 32,209 votes cast, 27,946 teachers — or 87 per cent — support escalating their limited job action to a full-scale walkout.
  • Since September, teachers have been skipping administrative tasks in an attempt to get the province to budge on contract demands. The teachers, who have been without a contract since June, have refused to meet with administrators, supervise recess or fill out report cards.
  • The teachers federation has asked for a 15 per cent wage increase and improved benefits.
The provincial government says that can't happen under its so-called "net-zero" mandate, in which public-sector workers can't receive pay increases unless the added costs are offset by concessions elsewhere in a contract.
On Tuesday, the B.C. Labour Relations Board ruled that teachers were allowed to take an initial three-day strike, and then one day per week afterwards, as long as parents were given two days notice. That means job action could take place as soon as next week.
Source: CBC...Read full news...

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