Thursday, January 12, 2012


DACHAU, Germany - A DEFENDANT accused of embezzlement shot dead a prosecutor at a court in the southern German city of Dachau, a spokesman for the state justice ministry said.
According to reports, he drew the gun out and aimed it first at the judge while he gave his judgement, then at the 31-year-old state prosecutor. The lawyer was taken to hospital where he died of his injuries.
A police spokesman, Peter Griesser, said the gunman was detained at the scene and that he had no information about other victims.
  • A spokesman for the Munich public prosecutor's office, Ken Heidenreich, said the defendant was accused of embezzling 44,000 euros ($55,800) in employee contributions that should have gone into the German healthcare and pension system.
  • A local daily newspaper, said the victim had only begun working for the prosecutor's office one year ago and was shot in the arm, shoulder and abdomen.
  • It was unclear how the defendant smuggled a gun into the courthouse, Heidenreich said.
  • German courts often have relatively lax security measures, particularly when cases not involving felonies are being heard.
Source: Agency

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