Sunday, November 20, 2011


STOCKHOLM, Norway - The right-wing extremist who killed dozens of teenagers in Norway told police he had originally planned to capture and execute leading Labour Party politicians whom he viewed as traitors, a newspaper reported.
The Norwegian VG tabloid, citing leaked police interrogations with Anders Behring Breivik, reported on Friday that Breivik's aim was to kill former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere or Eskil Pedersen, head of the Labour Party's youth wing.
But only Pedersen was present when the 32-year-old Norwegian arrived July 22 at the Labour Party youth camp after setting off a bomb that killed eight people in Oslo. Pedersen survived Breivik's attack but 69 other people were killed at the Utoya Island camp.
  • VG said Breivik's plan was to take one of the leading Labour official’s hostages and read a death sentence before carrying out an execution.
Source: Agency

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