Wednesday, November 2, 2011


ROME, Italy - The annual Trafficking in Persons Report, released by the US State Department, explicitly mentions Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in relation to involvement in underage prostitution and human trafficking.
Here's the key passage from the report:
"In February 2011, judges set a trial date for Prime Minister Berlusconi for the alleged commercial sexual exploitation of a Moroccan child; media reports indicate evidence of third party involvement in the case, indicating the girl was a victim of trafficking. During the reporting period, the country's [Italy] prime minister was investigated for facilitating child prostitution."
  • The Moroccan child in question would be "Ruby the Heart Stealer", a 17 year old prostitute by the name of Karima Al Mahroug; who allegedly attended Berlusconi's notorious "bunga bunga" parties.
  • Al Mahroug was one of 33 women who attended the parties and at which it is claimed (among other things) that they dressed as nuns and police officers to perform seductive pole dances and stripteases.
  • Prosecutors have charged three of Berlusconi's closest friends with procuring prostitutes for his parties and this relates to presence of Al Mahroug at the parties.
The State Department report draws from reports from 180 countries as well as non-governmental organizations that compile case histories and investigations which are detailed in the document.
Opposition MPs reacted with anger that Berlusconi had been named, calling it "another shameful insult" for Italy. Leoluca Orlando, of the anti-sleaze Italy of Values party said: "This is an indecent calling card for Italy on the international stage because he is the only prime minister who is actually named as well — there is a real risk that the rest of the country will be tarred with the same brush.
Source: Agency

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