Friday, November 4, 2011


FETHIYE, Turkey – Israeli naval forces are reportedly preparing to intercept a Gaza-bound international aid flotilla that seeks to break the Tel Aviv regime's blockade of the Palestinian coastal territory.
However, the convoy called Freedom Waves to Gaza, passengers on the two boats led by groups from Canada and Ireland remain positive about their mission, Press TV's correspondent reported on Thursday from the Mediterranean Sea.
The Canadian boat, Tahrir (Freedom), and the Irish boat, Saoirse (Freedom), are carrying 27 people, including journalists and crew members, along with 30,000 dollars worth of medicines.
  • "Getting international attention to what Israel is doing we have achieved before,... If we get to Gaza it is better but even if we do not we [still] have achieved some of our objectives just by trying,” Ehab Lotayef, an activist on the Canadian boat told Press TV's onboard correspondent.
  • Turkish authorities forced the mission to reduce the number of activists who had meant to join the effort. The two vessels carry passengers from Canada, Ireland, the US, Australia, and Palestine.
  • "You realize what you're witnessing is ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians… It's to make life so difficult for the Palestinian people that they leave their homeland," said Michael Coleman, an Australian activist making the journey for the second time. The attempt at launching a flotilla earlier this year was crushed by Greek authorities.
  • Having experienced living in Palestine, Coleman said he was shocked at what he saw there and was outraged as the world turned a blind eye to the sufferings of people in the coastal line.
Kitt Kittredge from the US said she felt responsible to support efforts to end the siege of Gaza.
"We have the backing of the most of the world, who is saying that we have to end the siege and occupation of Palestine. So, as the citizen of the world I feel I have to support and do it, and we have to do it,” Kittredge observed.
Source: PressTV

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