Tuesday, November 15, 2011


LONDON, U.K. - In a break with nearly 500 years of Royal protocol, St James' Palace will make some of its most lavish state apartments available to private firms for the duration of the London Games.
The Queen has personally approved the plans to allow businesses to take their pick of the Palace's Throne Room, its Tapestry Room and the Queen Anne Room.
A Royal palace is to be let out to companies for up to £30,000 a day during next year's Olympic Games.
  • Guests, who will enjoy an exclusive tour of the Palace, will also be close to several key Olympic events including the Beach Volleyball, which will be held in Horse Guards Parade, and the marathon, which will start and finish in the Mall. Nearby Hyde Park will be the venue for some swimming events.
  • One source said: "The Palace is exploiting its historical heritage and its prime location. Officials have already begun contacting firms and charities who they think might be interested in using the Palace. "They are targeting organisations who have an existing link with the Royal Household and that includes those who have Royal Warrants.
The response so far has been very good and the word is that there are hardly any dates left to hire.
Companies can entertain up to 500 guests for lunch, dinner or a reception. St James' Palace, which is still the official residence of the Sovereign, is normally closed to the public.
Source: Agency

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