Conditions have improved in recent years and the Australian Defence Force Academy is generally a safe place for women cadets, according to the Australian Human Rights Commission's report, released yesterday.
But the review found the academy culture still was far from ideal for women, with 74 per cent of female cadets reporting they had experienced sexual or gender-based harassment.
- "If Australia is to have the finest naval and military force, it must have the finest officer education and training system — a system which values the contribution of both women and men," said Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who led the inquiry.
- Defence Minister Stephen Smith ordered the review in April, after a cadet was secretly filmed having sex with another cadet. The video was then broadcast over the internet to other male cadets at the academy. The woman said she had no idea she had been filmed until military officials told her.
Two months before that, a report found a culture of predatory sexual behaviour and intimidation on board a navy ship, amid allegations a group of sailors on the ‘HMAS Success' had run a contest to see who could have sex with the most female crew mates.
- Officials interviewed more than one quarter of cadets at the academy, all of whom were randomly selected. The cadets participated in small focus groups, filled out surveys and came together for larger group discussions to share their experiences.
- The most common forms of harassment experienced by female cadets involved unwanted sexual jokes or stories, or inappropriate personal questions.
- The review found that high staff turnover of high-ranking officers, a complicated complaints process and inadequate supervision of cadets contributed to the problem.

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