Saturday, October 8, 2011


MANILA, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay (right photo), during a speech he recently gave to university students in Manila, urged Filipinos to maximize the use of rudimentary technology, particularly in personal communications, to mitigate the effects of natural disasters..
In addition, he advised them to make use of readily available and existing technology to lessen the impact of natural calamities.
  • He said, even the best technologies cannot prevent a natural disaster. I am quite sure that we all agree with this proposition, He added, even the most rudimentary technology - if utilized well - can help mitigate the impact of a disaster, and reduce the cost to property and human lives.
Binay said the technology to make ICT work in disaster management is already existing and there is no need for the country to wait a few more years down the road to get effective disaster mitigation equipment and know-how.
That research and development should not be a concern because the technology needed for this already exists, he said.
Binay pointed out the use of GIS (geographic information system) and Remote Sensing as useful tools for geo-hazard mapping or identifying areas that are more prone to earthquakes, droughts, landslides, and floods.
Source: Agency

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