Saturday, October 22, 2011


LONDON, U.K. - It seems Britons' takeaway coffee habit is more than just a drain on our wallets, it is also a recycling nightmare.
For 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups are being thrown away in the UK every year. And most of these end up in landfill because drinkers are confused about what they are made from, a report has revealed.
The study found that eight in ten people think they can recycle the cups with paper and cardboard.
But, as they are made from mixed materials, many end up being sent to tips, according to consumer group Which?. It said: "Recycling has never been easier until you get to the many items that come encased in a mix of materials such as cardboard and polyethylene."
Source: Daily Mail

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sandy

    Your visit and comments are very much appreciated.
    In the mean time, I will go through the embedding YouTube video clips and see what I can learn further on the issue of environmental recycling.

    Mabuhay from Malaysia
