Tuesday, September 27, 2011


MANILA, Philippines - Typhoon Nesat slammed into the Philippines on Tuesday, killing at least four people, a baby, as it brought heavy rain and strong wind that blew away roofs, uprooted small trees and toppled power lines.
The Philippines endures about 20 storms annually, many of them deadly, but authorities warned Nesat was one of the largest to hit the country this year with its rain and wind path twice as big as average storms.
  • According to Science Undersecretary Graciano Yumul, who supervises the country's weather bureau . this typhoon is very wide in diameter, about 650 kilometres (400 miles), and covers most of (the main island of) Luzon.
  • Nesat hit the northeastern side of Luzon before dawn, bringing maximum sustained winds of up to 140 kilometres (87 miles) an hour and gusts clocking in at 170 kilometres an hour.
  • Many roads have been flooded and flights cancelled, and local media are urging people against non-essential travel, our correspondent says.
An adult and three children were crushed to death as a building collapsed in a northern Manila suburb on Tuesday, AFP news agency quoted the Office of Civil Defence as saying.
Two men were said to have died north of the capital in a landslide and weather-induced accident.There is waist-deep flooding in parts of the capital.
Source: Agency

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