Wednesday, August 24, 2011


MANILA, Philippines - Representatives from the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) abruptly ended their latest round of talks in Kuala Lumpur after the rebel group rejected Manila's peace proposal.
"We are keeping our framework, but we will see if there are ways we can keep on talking," government chief negotiator Dean Marvic Leonen told GMA News.
"We will meet again," he added.
  • At the start of what was supposed to be a three-day formal talks, government negotiators submitted to the MILF a "three for one" peace proposal which involves "three important components for one solution to the Bangsamoro problem".
  • The components include: a political settlement or a peace accord with the MILF, massive economic development in Mindanao, and cultural-historical acknowledgement.
  • Representatives from the MILF, however, insisted on the formation of a sub-state for minority Muslims and the allocation of two Senate seats for Filipino-Muslims, which the government panel insisted require an amendment of the Philippine Constitution.
  • The MILF's sub-state proposal calls for the setting up of a federal-type of government in the autonomous region which will have its own legislative body, courts, police, and security services, sources said.
  • MILF vice-chairman Ghadzali Ja'afar said the government proposal "does not address the real issues."
  • "We want to first address the political issue," he said. "This is a political problem, not an economic problem. We are not talking here about economic reforms, which are nothing if they are not given a political solution."
The MILF earlier gave up their demand for a separate state and said they were willing to work with the government on protecting Muslims' rights in the predominantly Roman Catholic nation.
Earlier, the Philippine government has proposed a sharing of revenues between the national government and the autonomous region.
Source: Gulfnews

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