Sunday, July 3, 2011


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – So far, Malaysian Police have arrested more than 100 people over the Bersih rally and have detained six under the Emergency Ordinance for 60 days. Amongst those detained are 6 Malaysian Socialist Party or Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) member, including Sungai Siput MP Dr D Michael Jeyakumar, were re-arrested under Section 3(1) of the EO because they were suspected to be involved with foreign elements and had rebellious inclination.
  • However, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) today dismissed the police accusation that its six leaders detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO) 1969 were involved with foreign elements and have subversive tendencies.
  • On the other hand, Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the deployment of the Emergency Ordinance (EO) against Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members is to pre-empt the development of more serious incidents from occurrin.
  • The prime minister said that there are limitations to the citizens’ right to assemble because too much freedom could lead to uncertainty and anarchy; hence, the recent spate of detentions to ensure peace and public order.
  • National news agency Bernama reported that Najib’s comments came in response to a question related to the detention of the six individuals, including Sungai Siput MP Dr D. Jeyakumar, under the emergency law.
  • The prime minister also said he was confident that the police were aware of and understood all the implications when embarking on the recent clampdown of Bersih supporters, and that any such action must have the support of the people.
  • Najib reiterated the argument that the Bersih 2.0 rally was open to exploitation from certain quarters, such as communists and rebel rousers who relish unruly situations. He also criticised Bersih for portraying the government in an autocratic, dictatorial and illiberal light simply because it does not support its cause.
  • He claimed the movement would not hesitate to speak about the government in a negative way to the international media should it be forced to use tactics that could be interpreted as being cruel to Bersih.
On the same token, Six DAP members, including Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa, were hauled up by the police this morning during a gotong-royong exercise, on suspicion that it was part of the now-outlawed Bersih 2.0’s activities.
The six, wearing yellow T-shirts bearing designs different from that of the Bersih 2.0 logo, were picked up at the Taman Pelangi market as they were distributing leaflets to the public.
  • Despite trying to explain to the cops that their walkabout this morning was part of a community cleanliness campaign themed “Negara Bersih, Rakyat Bertuah”, they were still hauled up to the Taman Pelangi police station.
  • Er managed to post an update on his Facebook profile page, writing, “BN (Barisan Nasional) government should make new announcement — cleaning street campaign is prohibited in Malaysia.”
  • He claimed the cops had told them that if they had not invited the media to cover their arrests, they would have been freed immediately.
Source: Agency

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