It means an individual who stabs a burglar while defending themselves, or their property will not face prosecution, promising any lingering doubts over the controversial issue will be clarified in a new law, said Clarke
- "If an old lady finds she has got an 18-year-old burglar in her house and she picks up a kitchen knife and sticks it in him, she has not committed a criminal offence," he said in a BBC interview.
Clarke was reacting to the high-profile case of a suspected burglar who was stabbed to death during a break-in at a house in Salford last week. The victim was one of a gang of four men, some wearing balaclavas. The householder was arrested on suspicion of murder and has been released on police bail pending further inquiries.
- However, cLARKE said the law needed urgent clarification to make sure no one who took those steps will be prosecuted or convicted in future.
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