Monday, August 1, 2011


The forests of Congo (Brazzaville) are currently considered to harbor the major population of western lowland gorillas, protected by the remoteness of large swampy forest areas. However, according to a UN report , The future of Africa's Greater Congo Basin Gorillas is under threat., the animals could disappear by the mid-2020's, with many caught and sold as exotic pets, and others killed and sold as "bush meat".
Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri reports from the Virunga National Park in Eastern Congo.

WWF's continent-wide African Great Apes Program aims to ensure the long-term survival of the great apes. WWF is also exploring ways to work with governments, local communities and timber companies to combat the commercial trade in bushmeat. Through WWF's trade monitoring arm, TRAFFIC, . It is working to stop the international trade in meat from protected species such as great apes.

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