Wednesday, April 20, 2011


LONDON, U.K. - Muslim fanatics plan to hijack the Royal Wedding by burning effigies of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Extremists belonging to the group Muslims Against Crusades were behind the poppy-burning outrage on November 11 last year.
According to police, they have now vowed to turn the wedding celebrations into a 'nightmare'. They plan a 'forceful demonstration' with thousands of protesters set to burn the Union Flag, images of the Crown, and effigies of the bridal couple.
  • Police are anticipating violent clashes as the Right-wing English Defence League have given notice that they intend to protest against the Muslim hardliners. Scotland Yard chiefs are also preparing for trouble from anarchist yobs.
  • Officers are considering a series of ‘pre-emptive strikes’, which could see anarchists being hauled from their beds and arrested on the morning of the wedding.
  • Almost 5,000 Met officers will be deployed to combat disorder on April 29.
  • Some are expected to rove around the West End to prevent a repeat of the TUC march trouble last month, when thugs attacked businesses and shops, laying siege to the Ritz hotel and Fortnum and Mason.
  • Scotland Yard has already rejected an application by Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) to stage a demonstration outside Westminster Abbey, but officers are still in discussions about demonstrations by the group elsewhere.
  • While police can ban any major protests along the royal procession route, they are powerless to stop ‘static’ protests at nearby locations
  • Yesterday MAC warned that if Muslim protesters were kept away from the route there could be violence.
  • The group has placed a countdown to the wedding on its website, along with a picture of a burning Union Flag and Prince Harry with a swastika emblem.
Under the heading ‘Muslims to disrupt Royal Wedding’, a statement on the site read: ‘We strongly advise Prince William and his Nazi sympathiser to withdraw from the crusader British military and give up all affiliation to the tyrannical British Empire.
Source: Mail Online

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