Monday, April 25, 2011


BIRMINGHAM, U.K - Fifteen children aged between four and six are being excluded from school each day for attacking teachers. Nearly nine in the same age group are banned daily for violent attacks on fellow pupils and a further nine a day for persistent disruptive behaviour, Government figures show. Three a day are sent home for using foul language to teachers.
  • Experts blamed soft parenting and teaching for creating a generation unable to respect authority or interact socially without lashing out.
  • They fear that parents struggling to juggle the pressures of modern life are unable to spend quality time with their children. Instead many are left unsupervised in front of a TV or computer and are influenced by the behaviour they see on screen.
  • The Government figures for the academic year 2008/2009, the most recent available, found a total of 7,620 children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were given fixed-term exclusions. The largest single reason was for attacking an adult.
The number of 2,890 cases was an increase of 19 per cent in just two years. It was followed by 1,760 for persistent disruptive behaviour, and 1,710 for assault on a fellow pupil. Amongst the other reasons, 90 were suspended for vandalism, 40 for sexual misconduct and 20 for theft.
The largest number of violent youngsters lived in Hampshire, Birmingham, Hertfordshire and Kent.
Source: Mail Online

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