Friday, April 1, 2011


HOBART, Australia - Australians are now spending about $1 billion a year on cosmetic surgery and treatments, and the industry is still growing rapidly. Surgeons reveal there were 16,000 breast augmentations in Australia last year and 15,000 liposuction.
The annual Cosmetex conference, run by the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery (ACCS), opened in Hobart featuring about 700 Australian and international doctors, which runs until Sunday.
  • The president of the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgeons, Dr Russell Knudsen, says the demand is being driven by baby boomers who want to reverse the ageing process.
  • "They're affluent, they're educated and they're living longer than ever," he said.
  • Breast augmentation and liposuction are still the most common procedures, but non-surgical treatments that can be performed in a lunch hour are on the up.
Baby boomer and transport worker Helen Brown says she has had facial laser treatments and recommends the procedure.
"I'm on the go all the time and it's important for me not to look my age to keep up with everyone else in the industry," she said.
Source: Agency, ABC


  1. There are hundreds of thousands of plastic surgeries successfully performed each year. Some elective and some to correct deformaties and abnormalities. The key is to have a positive self concept, don't attempt drastic alterations, research the procedure and the doctor and expect to pay market rate for the the service.

    cosmetic surgery advice

  2. Why live asking why you look like this and that when you have the option to completely change whatever you think that is making you ugly trough plastic and cosmetic surgery?

    With this current mind set,no wonder esthetic surgery services is one of the fast-growing industry today.
