Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tracer bullets from anti-aircraft guns streak the night sky over Libya as the US and European attack gets under way
TRIPOLI, Libya - Loud explosions have rocked the Libyan capital, Tripoli, for a third night as forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi attempt to stop any new attack from an international military coalition enforcing a no-fly zone over the country.
Gunfire and anti-aircraft fire lit up the sky late on Monday in and around the capital, where two large explosions could be heard about 10 minutes apart shortly after 9pm, said Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught, reporting from Tripoli.
  • She said two naval installations just outside the city, thought to include Abu Sitr Naval Base, had reportedly been hit in the strikes.
  • "We could see an area of the port on fire, substantially on fire, two big blazes. We saw fire engines racing along the coastal road," she said.
  • "This evening seems to have been about targeting seaborne military assets of Gaddafi's army, but also we are given to understand [there was] an attack on the airport at Sirte."
Mussa Ibrahim, a government spokesman, told a news conference that the coalition bombardment had killed civilians in port areas and at Sirte airport and had hit the southern town of Sebha, a bastion of Gaddafi's tribe.
Source: AFP, Al Jazeera, ITN

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