Thursday, December 16, 2010


illustrated photo of asylum seekers swim for survival off Chrismas Island
SYDNEY, Australia - Dozens of asylum seekers, including children, were feared dead after their boat was smashed to pieces in violent seas off Australia on Wednesday, as helpless witnesses looked on in horror.
Initial reports and eye witnesses said between 15 and 40 people were rescued from the water off Christmas Island out of 60-80 people on board but the figures could not immediately be confirmed.
  • Christmas Island residents watched horrified as the tragedy unfolded in front of them, helpless to assist those dashed against the rocks and debris in the churning sea.
  • Witness Phillip Stewart said he saw people drowning after their boat broke up against the limestone cliffs of the remote island off western Australia.
  • The nationalities of those on the wooden fishing vessel are unknown but thousands of asylum seekers from Iraq, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka have made their way to Australia this year on often rickety boats which depart from Indonesia.
Australian Customs and police confirmed that a suspected asylum seeker boat had been involved in an accident off Christmas Island and that a rescue was under way.
Source: AFP

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