Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Australia’s worst flood in decades is affecting more residents across the region with Queensland state declaring on Wednesday that two new disaster areas and at least two other towns are also preparing to evacuate.
Evacuations are underway in the inland town of Emerald, west of Rockhampton, and in the coastal city of Bundaberg, according to reports. River levels continue to rise in many locations as the deluge that’s hit southern and central Queensland makes its way towards the sea.
  • Bureau of Meteorology has warned that downstream communities, particularly Bundaberg and Rockhampton, face days of uncertainty.
  • Authorities said about 200 homes are at risk of inundation in Bundaberg, where 18 properties have been flooded so far. Many residents have already left low lying areas as the city braces for the highest flood peak in 50 years. Residents are also being evacuated from low-lying parts of Emerald after the Department of Community Safety said flood levels would equal or exceed those seen in 2008.
  • The January 2008 floods saw 2700 people evacuated and left a damage bill of more than USD 50 million.
The Nogoa River, which flows through Emerald, is at major flood levels and is expected to peak on Friday about 0.3 metres higher than the 2008 flood, which reached 15.36 metres.
Source: The Agencies

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