Sunday, October 24, 2010


Photo illustrating the business district of Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Downtown effected by the haze due to forest burning in Sumatra, Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Singapore and Malaysia had urged Indonesia to snuff out the uncontrolled fires in Sumatra. These were caused by dry weather and also unregulated activities.
Malaysia also said the haze, the worst in four years, was not just Indonesia’s problem. And Indonesia agreed to address the trans-boundary issue.
  • Fire control officials in Indonesia blamed lax law-enforcement that allowed fires to be set off in the first place.
  • Subjected to this request, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa(photo) has expressed resolve to address the problem of haze that was affecting neighbouring Singapore and parts of Malaysia.
  • Mr. Natalegawa was speaking in Jakarta after Singapore and Malaysia had urged Indonesia to snuff out the uncontrolled fires in Sumatra. These were caused by dry weather and also unregulated activities.
  • Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo telephoned Mr. Natalegawa to inform him that the smoke cover over the City-State had crossed the unhealthy limit. Singapore promised Indonesia immediate help to put out the fires.
Source: Flash News

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