Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Canberra, Australia - An amorous kangaroo in the mood for love has female joggers hopping mad in the Honeymoon Ranges of Australia's outback Northern Territory, prompting a flood of angry calls to authorities.
Territory police said on Friday they had received reports of the kangaroo stalking residents in the ranges near the township of Tennant Creek, including a woman on her morning walk.
The woman recounted her terror when the kangaroo, which she said was obviously aroused, followed her as she went for a morning walk along a bike track.
  • Realizing that she was being followed, the woman turned around and found the lovelorn animal staring at her.
  • “It seemed a bit odd, but I continued walking and didn’t think much about it. On my return walk he was there waiting for me. With his male pride on full alert, he started circling me.
  • "There was no doubt about what he wanted, the randy old thing," the woman told local papers. "I turned around and saw this big kangaroo behind me, so I hastened my steps," she said.
  • The woman said that she tried to shoo the kangaroo away “to show him I wasn’t interested, but he was persistent”. He eventually bounded off when other walkers approached.
  • Later that day a mother-of-three encountered the aroused kangaroo at a night-time speedway meeting, while a man said he challenged the intimidating macropod and came off second best, receiving a swift punch in response.
  • Northern Territory police told Reuters they were not pursuing the salacious mammal unless it continued to cause trouble.
Source: Reuters

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