Tuesday, April 20, 2010


An unidentified man looks for help as an anti-Nazi crowd converges on him, suspecting him to be a white supremacist, at Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday
Los Angeles,USA - A rally by roughly 40 white supremacists on the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday drew hundreds of counter-protesters, sparked brawls in which two people were severely pummelled and ended with crowds of demonstrators hurling rocks and bottles at police and departing supremacists.
The rally, conducted by a group calling itself the National Socialist Movement, prompted the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to go on tactical alert as counter-protesters throughout the area flooded into downtown. Many were drawn by flyers and social media and they included black, Jewish, Latino, immigrants-rights and anarchist groups.
  • While some counter-protesters said they had heard about the event on social media like Twitter, and had come to urge peace in the face of the group's hateful message, others had clearly come for a fight. At least five of them were arrested by the end of the demonstration for throwing eggs and rocks.
  • Before members of the supremacist group had arrived, a bare chested middle-aged man with Nazi insignias tattooed on his chest and back walked into a crowd of hundreds of counter-protesters.
  • Surrounded, the man mockingly bobbed his head to the rhythm of demonstrators chanting "Nazi scum." A dozen protesters suddenly began showering the man with punches, and kicks. Once he fell, he was struck on the back with the wooden handle of a protester's sign, which snapped in two. Police eventually got to the man and pulled him from the melee, as blood poured from the back of his neck.
  • Another man, who may have not even been a white supremacist, was rushed by a mob. He was punched in the face and kicked for about 20 seconds, before police made it to the scene. After the first beating was broken up, the man began running south, only to be chased down by a protester and slugged in the face. He collapsed, his face slammed to the kerb, as protesters began wailing on him again. The bloodied man was then escorted away by police.
  • The neo-Nazi group had obtained a permit for their demonstration earlier in the week, and police prepared the rally area by taping off a section of city hall's shaded south lawn. At about 12.30, members delivered anti-immigrant tirades and shouts of "seig heil" which echoed down the street.
  • "We are tired of you clogging up our streets," shouted one white supremacist. Another group member repeatedly denounced illegal immigrants, saying "If the city supports illegal aliens and criminals, that is treason."
  • A counter-protester shouted back with a bullhorn. "You're being protected by black and Latino cops, you cowards," she said. The rally ended around 2.30pm with counter-protesters rushing towards the criminal courts building parking lot where the white supremacists parked their cars. Dozens hurled rocks and glass bottles at the neo-Nazis and police.
  • One vehicle failed to start. As a group of white supremacists attempted to jump start the car, others raised swastika emblazoned shields over their heads to protect themselves from projectiles. Police cleared the streets soon after, slowly pushing the counter-protesters back.
  • Commander David Doan said the LAPD's approach was to ensure free speech and avoid using force. "There was a tremendous amount of restraint shown by our officers," he said. "We allowed both sides to exercise their First Amendment rights." Doan said it was frustrating for LAPD officers.
Source: AP

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